
Saturday 30 November 2013

The benefits of a political Revolution

Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, has hailed the recent
defection of some Peoples Democratic Party
(PDP) governors and chieftains as good for the
country’s democracy.
This is one of the very few times I have agreed
with Tinubu on political issues. I do not believe
in his self-proclamation to be the leader of the
Yorubas, let alone be the right person to lead
Nigeria. However, just like him I have no doubt
that the political landscape of Nigeria has
changed for good. PDP no longer call the shots
except for the fact that they are still in
Now is the time for Nigerians to wake up and
stop taking gifts from idiots who would like to be
in political positions by any means possible. We
have had more than a fair share of useless and
career politicians looking to further milk the
Nigerian nation.
I strongly believe that Tinubu is one of those
Politicians we must never vote into power, never
again in the life of Nigeria. He does not only
have his hands soiled in the nation’s generation-
long loot, but he also surrounds himself with
those bent on looting whatever is left of our
collective wealth.
It is not too late to have a political Revolution in
Nigeria. We need to tell people such as Goodluck
Jonathan that we are no longer a nation of stupid
people. My greatest disappointment with him is
his inability to grasp the opportunity handed
down to him even when he did not deserve it. He
no longer remembers that millions of Nigerians
are still walking the streets without shoes.
More than ever before, Nigeria needs a leader
who truly loves the people and is ready to die for
what he or she believes. Nigeria needs to be and
remain Africa’s best and anything short of this is
mediocre. Please wake up today and make a
decision never again would you vote for the
person who gives you the most valued gift
because you will pay 10 times over when he gets
in power. Let us educate our family and let them
know that we currently have a bunch of fools in
Government and we must do all we can with our
vote to stop them from coming back to decimate
what is left of Brocken Nigeria.
We must learn lessons from other people and
nations who have paid the price to be free from
slavery. You do not have to agree with me, but
most Nigerians are slaves in their own country.
Just like Isaac said to Esau, when you become
restless, then you shall break his yoke from your
neck. Now is the time for you and I to reject bad
leadership in every way and say NO to the crop of
leaders we have today.
You and I know we can do better as individuals.
We trawl the streets of the Internet daily and we
see opportunities, but we see walls of
discouragement the moment we remember that
we are Nigerians. For how long will people
outside of Nigeria call us Thieves? How long
more are we going to allow other nations refer to
us as second best?
Nigeria can do more. Nigerians can feed the
world, but it needs to start with a leader who is
ready to die for what he believes is right. We
need a leader who is looking to leave a life-long
legacy when he leaves office rather than one who
want to make himself richer than his

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