
Monday 17 February 2014

Meet Nigerian Wannabe punk star princess daughter of an African diamond tycoon worth £6BILLION.

Bim Fernandez's father is one of the world's richest men, she called Mandela her uncle and even her dog wears gold chains - but she has her eyes set on the chartsAbimbola 'Bim' Fernandez with dog
She is 6ft tall with tattoos and piercings and she wants to be a wild rock star like Courtney Love. But craving money and the trappings of fame are
no spur for Bim Fernandez, 24, reports the Sunday People.
Bim, full name Abimbola, is the youngest daughter of an African diamond and gold tycoon reckoned to be worth a mind-blowing £6BILLION.
His Excellency Oluwo Antonio Oladeinde Fernandez, 77, is a part of Nigeria’s royal family, a roving ambassador for the United Nations and one of the world’s richest men. He is also Baron of Dudley, a title he bought for £59,000. He is close friends with former US president George Bush Snr and ex-UN boss Kofi Annan. His many homes include Napoleon’s old chateau in France and he has a fleet of Rolls-Royces and three private jets. Now Bim, who grew up in a bling-filled seven-storey Edinburgh mansion and went to Tony Blair’s old school Fettes, has landed a record deal.

Nelson: Meeting leader Mandela

 And she is hotly denying that Daddy arranged it.
She said: “Money can’t buy you a record deal. You can either sing or you can’t.
“I did this all by myself. My father is p****d at me. He doesn’t approve of what I’m doing. My musical tastes are punk.
“I play a mean guitar and I’d really like to be like Courtney Love.”
One thing she shares with the rock-star widow of Kurt Cobain is wealth.
Her first single, Let’s Take it Naked, came out only last week but her riches are already up there with the superstars.
Home is a fabulous Manhattan apartment with a Picasso above her bed and a valuable first edition of Alice in Wonderland on the coffee table.
It was an eighth birthday present from her late mum.
There are family photos of “Uncle” Nelson Mandela and a personal note from Pope John Paul II.

High places: Antonio Deinde Fernandez with George Bush Sr

Bim has so much jewellery her pet dog Napoleon wears solid gold chains.
Back at her mum’s old place on a £10million island estate near New York there’s a dining room chair once owned by Henry VIII.
“To me it’s just a chair,” said Bim dismissively.
While at Oxford Brooks University she stayed at the £300-a-night Malmaison Hotel, not student digs.
But she dropped out after a month.
“Oxford was too snobbish,” she said.
“One day a boy in tweeds demanded to know how I could afford my diamond necklace.
"I hated it. I am so normal.
“When I visit Dad I have to take all of my piercings out, cover my tattoo and wear some of my mum’s 1980s dresses.
Source: Mirror UK

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