
Monday 10 February 2014

News: Oh Dear, Dubai Police Social Accounts Hacked.......But Now Restored

Dubai Police's official twitter account was hacked yesterday evening, Sun.Feb.09 by an anonymous group. The hackers who call themselves @TheHorsemenLulz took over the police force's Twitter account at around 7:15pm on Sunday night.
“Dubai Police is spying on you, Isn’t it fair that we the people do the same back? hacked by @TheHorsemenLulz,” the tweet, which has since been deleted, said. The message was accompanied by an image of horses and Guy Fawkes masks. The group also claimed to hack Dubai Police's other social media accounts including LinkedIn and Tumblr.
Soon after the hack, Dubai Media Office tweeted in Arabic that the authorities were aware of the breach and were working to recover the account.
By 11pm the incriminating tweets had been deleted and Dubai Police seemed to have regained control of their account.
This is not the first time @TheHorsemenLulz have been involved in an apparent hack attempt. On their Twitter feed the hackers have previously claimed to have taken down the websites of major banks and the UAE telecom authority.
Last week, Dubai Police chief Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan Al Tamim called for a crackdown on terrorists using social media to spread malice against the UAE.
“Terrorist organisations and armed terrorists are using social media in the worst way possible,” he was quoted as saying in The National, calling on officials to set up a committee to fight online attacks against the UAE.
Dubai Police's hacked Twitter account.
A screenshot of the image posted by the hackers on Dubai Police.

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