
Friday 21 March 2014

OMG! Arrest Warrant Issued For Singer Anita Baker

According to documents obtained by the Local 4 Defenders, an arrest warrant has been issued for the soulful singer.
Baker's latest legal issue involves her sprawling Grosse Pointe estate. Ray Smith Painting and Decorating claims Baker never handed over more than $15,000 she owed the company for work done inside her home. We certainly would have liked to resolve it before now. We just want to try to get my client his money," said attorney Daniel Gerow.
Gerow claims Baker has failed to pay up and failed to appear in court, which is why she is now wanted.
"We're not trying to give her any hard time or anything unnecessary. We just would like to collect the money for my client. He's owed the money, and that could end it all right then," said Gerow.
This isn't the first time Baker has faced the possibility of being sent to jail. In 2010, a judge threatened to lock her up for allegedly failing to sign documents in her divorce dispute. She narrowly avoided jail time then by reaching a last-minute agreement.
"(The judge) treated us with kindness and she saw that I was not interested in violating any of her orders," said Baker.
But now a new legal issue and yet another threat of jail time for Baker. Unless this matter is resolved ASAP, Baker could soon be making a move from her gated home to the county jail.

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